Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 8

Well hello again. :P It's week 8 of all this craziness! Time seriously flies! Well lets see what I did this week. I did a decent amount of work and cooking which was awesome. Saturday there was a cowboy cookout event at our church. Lots of great food and games. My brother and his girlfriend came too which was great. I haven't seen them in far to long so I was really exited about that. :) I went down south to go spend time with my friend Ally for her birthday. We went down to Brighton Music Hall in Boston and saw one of my favorite shows that I've ever been to. Jon Smith (terrible name to try to look up. Haha.) and Lisa Hannigan! This guy was incredible at the guitar! And Lisa was one of the most adorable people I've ever seen! She has this cute little Irish accent and the most adorable personality. The music was fantastic but her as a person made it all the more incredible. Only down side to that night was the fact that I threw up do to dehydration halfway through the set, and I got a parking ticket cause i accidentally parked in a bus parking spot thing. It was pretty stupid but didn't effect the night. :) Did a photo shoot with the same friend and her sister which was allot of fun. It always takes so long to edit those so it should be awhile before there up. Talked with my good friend David who is in Cali right now. I miss his face and his drumingness very badly. All in all it was a good week. I miss people in Texas as usual and still have allot of people i want to see more of, but so far so good this summer. :D

Quote of the day: "My dreams are sails that I point towards my true north, stretch thin over my rib bone and pray that it gets better." Listener.
Scripture of the day: Matthew 5:16 (I bet you know this one. :P)

Lisa Hannigan. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week 6 and 7.

Well. It's been a really long time since i've been on here, and there's a bunch to catch up on so i'm not totally sure i'll remember it all. But i'll give it a shot. Well for starters, I moved. :) I'm up in Conway in the middle of nowhere. It's really a nice house tho. Very secluded. The new computer has been delayed for quite some time cause of issues that have come up. The mother board was jacked up sadly so we're getting it replaced. I got to preach for the first time on Wednesday night and I lead worship in the main service for the first time on Sunday! saw my friend Bianca twice, one of them was an awesome beach day! :) I saw my Grandparents and brother, just talking and catching up. Went to Kirsten's graduation party! Her family's crazy, but allot of fun. :) I saw the new X men movie. I liked it. :) I hung out with my friend Trevor twice too which was awesome. Spent Fathers Day with my dad going for a ride on the motercycle. Idk i really have been enjoying my time up here in Conway. It's a very simplistic life, but it'll get crazier when I finally have my computer up and running and start making music. I'll be sure to keep you guys better posted in the future when it's once a week again and I actually recal everything. It probably doesn't help that i'm kinga tired right now and am not totally motivated to document. But it's Wednesday and I don't want to get behind again. Sooooo. That's it for now. Take it easy guys. :D

Quote of the day: "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival" -C.S. Lewis.
Scripture of the day: Romans 12:9-10

Diana's Baths. One of the places me and dad rode to on the motorcycle for Fathers Day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Moving. Out with the old.

What an interesting life it is for a sentimental person when it becomes time to move. You go through all of these things that meant the world to you a decade ago but haven't seen since, but now that you've remembered the good times attached to them you don't want to let them go. It was hard for me to toss or give away allot of the things that represented my childhood, but I knew it was necessary to let go. In case you're unaware I'm a big fan of legacy. Just things that survive the test of time, things that you pass down that live beyond your years. But at the same time things that you once loved often become nothing but dust collectors and clutter. I suppose i learned allot of things from this move. Although I threw away allot of things that represented my childhood, I wasn't throwing away my childhood. I still have the memories of building ninja castles and space ships with my Lego's and I still have the memories of setting up my entire collection of literally thousands of army men. :P Just because those Lego's are going to be used by someone else or my favorite water gun is no longer collecting dust in the basement doesn't mean that I discarded the times that those items were connected with. I will never not be sentimental, but at the same time it was a good lesson for me to not be to attached to items that you know you will never use and probably never even see again. The best is always yet to come when you're following God. :D Until next time.

Quote of the day: "Don't be so attached to tings. Learn to let go." Iron Man 2
Scripture of the day: Philippians 3:13

I was a huge army man fanatic back in the day. :P

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 5 Summed up. Challenges for next week.

This week was a weird one. It seemed like nothing happened, but that probably has to do with the fact that the end of this week I've been a bit sick. So here's my week wrapped up for you. Had a jam session with Spencer and Zack after worship practice on Wednesday, had an epic one and a half hour jam session on ONE chord progression with my friend/brother David and hung out with him the rest of the night, went to a goodbye party for David and his wife Bri. It was good to see allot of my old church friends/family that I haven't seen in awhile. I'm glad that we're all still apart of the same body and family of believers even tho God called me and my family to another building up north. :) My family and our friends the Thibaults had one giant yard sale. There was so much stuff! Furniture, freezers, lots of big stuff, and we sold pretty much all of the big stuff which is great. :D I was blessed with a 30 year old high quality film camera!, only problem is that one little piece is broken and it would cost $100 to get it replaced! Had an amazing time with God during worship this Sunday! Me and my family went out to eat with both Grandparents and Fridays for my brothers birthday. I got blessed yet again with a whole bunch of electronics that my Grandfather had! Including a really great quality condenser mic! :) Had a ridiculous and very successful music hunting session, saw the newest Narnia movie (not bad. Nothing to really rave about in my opinion, but i was entertained.) Took my brother Steve to a Birthday Breakfast. :) Found my old Beanie Baby collection. Planning on selling them for around ten bucks a piece, even tho on eBay there going for fifteen each. Aaand listened to some of City and Colours new album that came out yesterday! :D As for the challenges. Piano, check. Guitar, eh. It was kinda rough, but i did practice. reading the word daily, check. Reading a chapter of my book every night, not check. Lol. I was sick and very un motivated to read before going to bed a couple nights. Facebook once a day, not check. Lol. The whole being sick thing will be my excuse again. :P I actually only really youtubed and watched tv for only around 5 hours! (if i counted listening to music on youtube it'd be tons more, but i think of it as listening to my i tunes. So for next week, I'll have the same basic challenges, not watch TV this week... and write a new song. Sure. Why not? :P It's on. Hope you had a great week! Until next time.

Quote of the day: "If I'm not speaking life into you I'm killing you" A poet named Ezekiel.
Scripture of the day: Matthew 6:16-18

The camera i was blessed with! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 4 Summed up. Challenges for next week.

I can't believe it's already been nearly a month since I left Texas. I wasn't sure where I'd be by the start of June so it's kinda nice looking back and seeing productivity while I've been here. Well, here's what went down this week. Saw Kung Fu Panda with my dad and brother, saw Heather Patrick as she gave us a tour of her and her churches vision (be praying for her, God's has already used her in an amazing way and He's going to continue to do so), went on my annual family reunion that i wrote about previously, had lunch with my friend and brother David Peetz, then had a ridiculous jam session that i can't even begin to describe to you! I actually made up a little piano hook right before I went to see him because i knew he'd want to jam, and we tore it up! Started a new job! :) And I helped build and install the hardware in my new computer! It was a really great week all in all. As for last weeks challenges, I read the Bible first thing every day, i only missed one day of not reading my pleasure book, i went on facebook once a day everyday except one day when i needed a link for something that was on my facebook, i played far over a half an hour a day on piano aside from the day i was gone up north to the reunion, and i missed two days of not playing a half an hour of guitar. That one was the most challenging because it just strait up hurts playing guitar at this stage. Haha. My challenges for this week will be the same, except adding one. I am going to keep track of how much I watch TV, movies and youtube. When I add it all up by the end of the week i will play that total amount of time on the piano and not watch any TV next week! God's got big things coming, are we ready for the next step? I know that if someone came to my door and asked me to do a nation wide tour I wouldn't be ready. We've got to use this time we have now to get us prepared for the next step in life. Until next time.

Quote of the day: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Kung Fu Panda. (I don't care how much of a dork I am, I still love this quote. :P).

Scripture of the day: Hebrews 12:1-3 (Look this one up! It's awesome!)

My new Computer. :)